Citizen Action

We encourage all Cherokee Nation citizens to stay engaged with issues that impact them and their communities. One way to stay engaged is by supporting Cherokee Nation’s efforts at the federal level. Cherokees live in every state, and members of Congress representing the districts in which you live need to hear from you. You will find resources on this page that you can use to take action. Whether you live in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, or Los Angeles, California, we need your voice at the federal level to elevate Cherokee issues and causes. We encourage you to use the template letters provided on this page on current issues important to the Cherokee Nation and send them to your senators and representatives.

Send the letters below to your member of the United States House of Representatives and your member of the United States Senate. When you send letters, be sure to send a copy to cherokee-vote@cherokee.org so we can keep track of support. Wado!