Commerce Services

SSBCI Loan Program

Cherokee Nation’s SSBCI Loan Program helps businesses gain access to funding by partnering with financial institutions to fund a portion of the business start-up or expansion costs. 

This mutually beneficial partnership means that banks do not take on as much risk, and business owners do not have to provide as much equity as is normally required. 

Borrowers only need to complete the private financial institution’s application; Cherokee Nation does not require a separate application. 

Borrowers should notify their lender that they are interested in Cherokee Nation’s SSBCI Loan Program.

If a bank or lender is unfamiliar with the SSBCI Loan Program, borrowers may share the SSBCI contact information with the bank or lender OR contact Cherokee Nation’s SSBCI Program, and Cherokee Nation Commerce will communicate directly to the lender to educate on the program.

Cherokee Nation SSBCI Program


Which types of businesses and business owners are eligible for funding?

  • Businesses with no more than 500 employees, including all individuals employed full-time, part-time, or otherwise
  • Available to all citizens of federally recognized tribes living on the Cherokee Nation reservation.
  • Available to at-large Cherokee citizens living throughout the state of Oklahoma.
  • In Oklahoma counties outside of the reservation, the business must be majority owned by a Cherokee Nation citizen. 
  • In March 2025, the program will expand to Cherokee Nation citizens in the states of Arkansas, Kansas, Texas, and Missouri.
  • In July 2025, the program will expand to Cherokee Nation citizens throughout the United States.

Am I automatically eligible for an SSBCI loan if I am a Cherokee Nation citizen?

No, applicants must meet credit criteria, including having the ability to obtain private financial institution funding, have a viable business or business plan, have an acceptable debt to income ratio, and satisfactory credit history.

Can SSBCI funds be used to construct a brick-and-mortar location for my business to operate from?


What bank or private financial institution do I have to use?

Borrower can use any financial institution willing to work with Cherokee Nation.

Which type of businesses are NOT eligible for funding?

  • A company engaged in speculative activities that profit from fluctuations in price
  • A business that earns more than half its annual net revenue from lending activities
  • Enterprises engaged in pyramid sales
  • A business engaged in activities prohibited by federal law
  • A business deriving more than one-third of gross revenue from legal gambling activities
  • A business investing in real estate ventures

May the SSBCI funds be used for anything business-related?

No, there are ineligible uses of funding. 
The following uses are prohibited:

  • Acquiring or holding passive investments in real estate, purchasing securities, and lobbying activities.
  • Repayment of delinquent income taxes unless the borrower has a payment plan with the relevant taxing authority. Delinquent taxes held in trust – repayment of delinquent sales or payroll taxes
  • Reimbursement of funds to any owner or equity investor
  • Purchase of any portion of ownership interest of any business owner except for the benefit of an IRS-eligible employee stock ownership plan

What are the terms of an SSBCI Loan?

Typical loan terms are as follows:

  • Currently, 5% - 7% fixed up to 10 years and adjusted annually after the fixed term ends
  • Term may not exceed 15 years, however, the loan may be amortized for up to 20 years
  • Collateral is required but flexible
  • Loans funded with Cherokee Nation’s SSBCI Loan Program require at least a 1:1 match. For every $1 borrowed from the program, another dollar must be borrowed from a private financial institution.
